Core Emotional and Relational Patterns

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The two biggest factors that influence your present day relationship patterns are: 

  1. How you experienced conflict in your family of origin.
  2. How/if you received comfort in your family of origin.

Let me illustrate with two versions of the same story, with different endings: 

Version 1: 

Imagine that you’re 5 years old, find a mental picture of yourself at that age. What did your hair look like, what was a favorite outfit that you may have been wearing? Once you have that image, imagine yourself at that age coming back from a family vacation in another state. Your family has already driven 3 hours away from the vacation spot toward home and are getting back in the vehicle after a rest stop. Your parents are trying to help you into the family car when you realize that you left your favorite teddy bear back at your vacation spot. Your comfo ...

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Posted in:

  • Relationships


  • childhood
  • compassion
  • emotons

Rest and Recover

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As a society, we are in a strange time of adjusting to the new normal after a long and arduous couple of years. I know that the term burnout has been tossed around a lot and even just reading it can be triggering, but I wanted to take some time to go over what the symptoms are and what the antidote can be. Burnout symptoms can include, an overwhelming feeling of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion, detachment from work, and poor performance (, 2020). Exhaustion can seep into your bones and permeate all areas of your life. Detachment from work can cause even the simplest of tasks to seem overwhelming and daunting, decision making can be impaired, and you may feel unable to continue to manage your normal workload. The inability to perform at a normal level can affect work, home, and social life. You may become excessively negative, have poor concentration, and feel a sense of brain fog which is pervasive and lingers (InformedHeal ...

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Posted in:

  • Burnout


  • rest
  • stress
  • stress

Making Thoughtful Decisions

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My husband and I are in the middle of a home renovation. We are adding a bathroom. There are so many decisions to be made. There are major decisions about placement of the toilet and minor decisions about how many electrical outlets to install. I recently realized how anxiety-inducing this process can become.

I felt completely overwhelmed when it came to picking out tile for the shower. There are so many options...thousands of options. How do I know if I picked the “right” one? My anxiety skyrocketed when I was in the middle of the home improvement store and under time pressure to pick out tile. I said to my husband..”this would be so much easier if there were only two options”. Then it hit me...

We live in a world where we have so many choices for everything. It’s wonderful to have access to the specific type of Chicken Satay seasoning for my favorite Thai recipe. I love that I can purchase the perfect light bulb to make m ...

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Posted in:

  • Decisions


  • breathing
  • practice
  • reflection




