Need Input!

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One of my favorite things to do is introduce my children to some of the classical movies that I enjoyed in my youth. The other day, I decided to show them the 1986 movie, Short Circuit. The story of the movie follows the journey of an experimental military robot that gets struck by lightning and has gained a human-like intelligence. Early on in the movie, the robot, named Number 5, is exploring the world trying to understand the world of humans. One of the things that Number 5 continues to verbalize is “Need Input!”  Whenever input is given, Number 5 takes in the information but then repeats “Need Input!” 


What stuck with me about Number 5’s demand of “Need Input!” is that we, too, require input as we explore our world, especially as it relates to our interpersonal relationships.  How many times have you struggled to understand something that another person in your life is trying to convey to you ...

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  • Communication


  • input

It's Okay Not to Be Okay

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Let me start by asking a question.  How did you answer someone the last time they asked you how you were?  I bet I could venture a guess, and it may have sounded a little like this: “I’m fine."  Now, let me follow that question with another question.  How truthful were you in your response?  I am betting that most likely you may have disregarded your current emotion so you would not make someone else feel uncomfortable.  


In a society that has placed a strong emphasis on success, happiness, and reputation, it is often hard to feel safe to share our emotions honestly.  The point of this post is not to make you feel like you have to share your feelings with every person that asks; however, what I do hope it accomplishes is helping you to reflect on the truth that it is okay to not be okay!  


Unfortunate ...

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Posted in:

  • Emotions


  • Communication
  • feelings

Making a Change

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 I was recently listening to the podcast "Unlocking Us" by Brene Brown, a favorite of mine, on Spotify.  The podcast was diving into a series addressing the Brene’s book, The Gifts of Imperfection, and includes a conversation between Brene and her two sisters, Ashley and Barrett. I first read the book about 7 years ago, and it has had a powerful impact on my journey.  In episode 4 of the series, a phrase jumped out to me: “Do your work” in reference to living wholeheartedly. Brown says wholeheartedness “is like a North Star. You never get there, but you know when you’re heading in the right way.” 


I am not going to get into the wonderful life changes that Brene addresses in her book, but I would definitely recommend it if the idea of “wholehearted” living intrigues you.  What I wonder is what keeps you from “doing your work?” At times, we have an idea that something ...

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Posted in:

  • Change


  • Brene Brown
  • DeClemente and Prochaska
  • work




