May Flowers

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This past weekend my husband and I planted some flowers in our yard.  I am not terribly experienced with planting things (though I do have an indoor geranium that I cherish) and felt slightly apprehensive about this task.  My husband, however, assured me that we would be just fine and reminded me how lovely it would be to come home to such beauty and color.  And so, we set off to make our selections before putting them in the ground.

After browsing the outdoor section at Lowe’s, we came home with petunias, marigolds, begonias, and a bunch of other pretty things I do not know the names for.  I had to admit, seeing the colorful flowers all together on my porch made my heart smile.  As we began to plant, we had to make some decisions about where each flower should go.  The “full sun” petunias and marigolds near the front, the “partial shade” begonias in the back, and so on.  We looked at what the flowers needed and t ...

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  • Change
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  • Mindfullness
  • Self-Care


  • beauty
  • change
  • mindfullness
  • reflection
  • relaxation

Teens and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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Working with teens is very eye opening and for me it is incredibly rewarding. Teens bring so much intelligence and youthful spirit into my every day counseling experience. When teens come into the practice, they are usually coming in to please their parents because their parents want their teen to either behave differently or work on an issue that is causing conflict. On top of this, the teen often does not even know why they are acting in the way that they are. That is why the form of therapy I use with teens is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. This form of therapy focuses on why a specific behavior is happening and what is happening in the brain that creates this reaction/response/behavior.

            When a reaction/response/behavior is happening there is a process that has occurred that has created this response. This starts with an event. An event happens that triggers cer ...

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  • Story


  • Emotions
  • change
  • reflection

Letting off some Pressure

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One of my favorite shows growing up was the show Mythbusters. Every week Adam and Jamie would explore different myths to see if they actually hold up. One of my favorite episodes tested whether a water heater could turn into a rocket. They set up their experiment and describe how a water heater works and how the failsafes that are in place keep it from exploding. A water heater uses a heat source to bring the water to temperature. As that is occurring, water turns to steam which in turn presses against the sides and bottom of the tank.  They describe how there is a release valve on the side of the tank designed to release the pressure that is building. They also point out that there is an emergency back-up valve in place just in case the regular valve stops working. So what do they do to test the myth? They remove the release valves and crank the heat!

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  • Control
  • Mindfullness
  • Relationships
  • Self-Care


  • Emotions
  • mindfullness
  • relaxation




