Category: ADHD

ADHD in Women

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ADHD in Women

Attention is complicated, and it can be even more complicated when you have attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). This mental health diagnosis has been a buzzword as of late. Recently there has been an increase in diagnosis, especially amongst women. Since ADHD in women has not been as researched in the past as much as men and children, the amount of resources for women who are experiencing ADHD are sparse. However, there has been an increase in awareness within women and ADHD, which I find hopeful. Although some might find it problematic, one of the contributing factors to this awareness has been social media, specifically TikTok.

The TikTok platform has made it easy and convenient to share our experiences. Offering validation for shared experiences and comfort that we are not a ...

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Posted in:

  • ADHD


  • Women's health




