Category: Control

When We Just Can't Get Started...

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Do you procrastinate? Do you find it difficult to start or complete a project? Maybe you are a frustrated perfectionist. Some people were raised in a home where perfectionism was the ideal to shoot for. In reality, perfectionism can be a road block to accomplishing goals, completing tasks or getting needs met.


Our desire or driving need to be perfect or do a job perfectly can shut down our ability to move forward and leave us feeling unmotivated and paralyzed. It can prevent us from sharing pain with a trusted friend or calling the doctor. If there is not enough time or energy to do a job perfectly, we may feel frustrated and leave the job undone.


There have been many times where I did not even attempt to go after a goal for fear of failing. The thoughts running through my mind sounded like…


“What if I fail?”

“What will people think of me?” or,


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Posted in:

  • Control
  • Procrastination


  • change
  • procrastination




