Tag: story

Relationships - Part 1

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Relationships can be difficult, especially if we invest a lot of our time and effort into them. When we do this, we create a vested interest and we want to see a return.  We were built for relationships (Genesis 2:18). God formed us in a way that we can have a singular relationship with a person or in a community where we can find support.  When it comes to relationships we are triadic beings: emotional, physical and spiritual.  While all three of these entities are not equally divided up, they do vary in percentages, as we need them to be at any particular moment in time. 

The first part of this triadic relationship pattern is our emotions. This seems to take a greater toll on us than we care to admit.   We will talk 24/7 if you let us but trying to get us to express our emotions in a careful and understanding way has us at a great disadvantage.  Men are at a greater disadvantage as we are usual ...

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  • Relationships
  • Self-Care
  • Story


  • Emotions
  • Spiritual
  • mindfullness
  • mindfullness
  • mindfullness
  • story
  • story

Our New Blog

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Welcome to our new blog! We are excited to have another opportunity to help you write your second story. We hope to use the blog to share with you different techniques that you can implement in your daily life, learn more about what we are reading and learning and most importantly to have the opportunity to share with you what is shaping and forming us here at Second Story. 

In my undergrad program I was an English Literature major and we spent a lot of time breaking down stories. I graduated and quickly started working in a job helping companies purchase w-2's, 1099s and other office products. I found myself wondering when my education would come into play outside of being able to show people that I knew how to read and write. Over the following years I went back to pursue a masters degree (twice!). In these programs the focus became on how to help people grow and make changes in their lives. I found myself being dr ...

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  • Story


  • story
  • welcome




